Energy security. Land Rights. Economic Development. There is a lot to know about solar. Learn with us.

Solar at a Glance

Opponents to solar, much like opponents to any kind of development or policy, may occasionally stretch the facts or outright fabricate misinformation regarding solar development. The goal of anti-solar groups is to sow division in communities to create a politically hostile situation for township trustees, county commissioners, and other decision-makers by being the loudest voice in the room. Political fear is a very effective tactic that we seek to combat by being clear about the facts, giving a voice to the silent majority that recognize the benefits of solar, and politely engaging and supporting local decision-makers.

Like you, we have plenty of questions about solar and are working hard to understand how this gets done the right way for our community.

We did a lot of research to form our understanding of solar and its benefits. To make it easier on you, we collected some of the most useful web resources here.

Get In Touch.

Get in contact with our steering committee.